LogoDani Moreno

Making online fitness training truly personal!

HI, I am Dani Moreno, and I am here to help you achieve your goals of improving your physical, mental, and emotional health. Fitness is more than just workouts - what you do, what you eat, how you feel, how you sleep, how you talk to yourself - everything is equally important. Together, you and I will focus on all aspects of your health, starting by accepting and loving your body exactly as it is now. You will also be part of a community of like-minded women who want to change from the inside out, without focusing just on external, visual results. Whether you are at home, in the gym, or on the road - I will be part of your fitness journey. I will be there to guide you through tough times, to check your form on video calls, and to celebrate your wins! Let's enjoy the process! Let's feel the results! Let's do it together! Click in the video for a quick peek of one of the 18 workouts available!

Workout with me anytime!

Training Program

Transform your fitness journey with my 6-week training program that will help you stay connected with likeminded women, who want to change from the inside out. You will have three workouts a week, three walks or rides per week, and one rest day. We are on this together girl, and don't worry because I will be guiding you throughout this program!

Dynamic Workout Routines

Enjoy a variety of exercises - all with minimal equipment. All you need is dumbbells, a resistance band, your mat, and a chair. Whether you work out at home or the gym, my full body workouts are designed for all levels. Just pick the weight you desire (or no weight at all) and move your body!

Flexible Nutrition Plans

A healthy body starts on the inside. Our meal plans are easy to follow so you can get the results you are looking for. Do it without counting calories or weighing your food! Eliminate all the stress and learn to eat with intention and know exactly when you feel satisfied. I will also teach you an easy way to measure your portions, so you don't overeat!

Progress Tracking

I want you to love your body exactly as it is now. I want to help you eliminate all the stress and negative self-talk that doesn't help in any way, it only hurts. And I will teach you some tricks you can practice when negative self-talk appears. I won't ask you to get on a scale or take before and after pictures. But I understand that for some of you, taking pictures is a way to track your progress. You can also connect your favorite wearable device to my app, and never lose track of your progress. And remember I am your accountability coach, so I will be watching what you do or what you do not do! :)

Instant Messaging & Video Calls

Stay connected with me in real-time with messages and video calls. With photo, audio, video, and document sharing supported right in the app, connect with me for just about anything within working hours.

My Plans

6 Week Active Women Program

6 Week Active Women Program

This automated 6-week program is designed to kick start your health journey using a simple and nutritious diet plan and basic exercises using minimal equipment!

3 full body workouts per week.

3 walks or bike rides per week.

Meal plans for all 6 weeks.

for 6 Weeks
Premium Program

Premium Program

This premium program is designed to help you start and stay consistent during your fitness journey using a simple and nutritious meal plan and a variety of exercises using minimal equipment! I will be guiding you via in app messaging, so you don't lose track of your goals. Group video calls are scheduled every 2 weeks. In these calls, we will dive deep and talk about our insecurities, doubts, and negative believes. We will start connecting and building a safe community sharing our thoughts, fears, and emotions as we face the challenges of aging. These conversations will help us heal, adapt, and change from the inside out!

Group bi-weekly video calls

Arepa making group class

3 full body workouts per week

3 walks or bike rides per week

Meal plan for all 4 weeks

for 1 Month
Platinum Program

Platinum Program

The Platinum Program has been designed to give you a very personalized experience so you can stay consistent during your fitness journey using customized workouts and a healthy nutritious plan. I will be guiding you one on one, so you don't lose track of your goals. We will have one on one video calls every week, and we will talk about our insecurities, doubts, and negative believes as well as the emotions, thoughts, and fears associated with the process of aging. These conversations will be completely confidential, and they will help you heal, adapt, and change from the inside out!

One on one weekly video calls

Arepa making group class

3 customized workouts per week

3 walks or bike rides per week

Meal plan for all 4 weeks

for first week

Dani Moreno

Personal Trainer

Dani Moreno was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, and loves arepas not only because they are a very important part of Venezuelans’ daily diet, but simply because they are delicious! Like most Venezuelans, she grew up eating arepas, and on Sundays, her mom used to make many sides to eat them with, such as “caraotas” (blackbeans),”perico” (scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes), and “carne mechada” (shredded steak). Dani never played any sports growing up, in fact, she never even imagined that she would learn to love sports as an adult and in a different country. In 1999, she married the love of her life and moved to a country where people breath sports! A country where sports fans get together for early tailgate gatherings to unite despite their differences: The United States of America. She soon became a mom and spent most of her weekends on soccer fields, but her boys also practiced karate, taekwondo, baseball, basketball, golf, tennis, and swimming. One day she decided to take tennis lessons (a sport she secretly admired as a child) and also decided to join a moms indoor soccer league and a volleyball league. In 2012 and for the next 6 and a half years, she worked for the best Sports Network on earth, ESPN, and her love for sports grew even more. She continued playing tennis, and soon after started running, biking, and swimming, and participated in a few sprint triathlons. She was able to experience firsthand the benefits of exercising which helped tremendously with her anxiety and depression. Years later she started boxing and weight training, and in 2023, she decided to take her passion for sports and fitness to the next level and decided to get certified as personal trainer. “I want people in general, but women over 40 in particular, to understand the importance of regular exercise in order to improve physical, but most importantly, mental and emotional health. It doesn’t really matter what sport or physical activity you practice, if you move your body on a regular basis and eat a balanced diet, that should do the trick! I also want to share my love for arepas because they are part of my life, and they will always be! They were a way to stay connected to my dear Venezuela, to my roots, and at the same time they helped me make new connections with Americans. No matter where I lived, how cold it was, how tired, anxious or depressed I was, arepas were always there, reminding me that as long as I had them, I was home. This is my journey. This is my dream. I hope you join me!”

Dani Moreno

Complete fitness program

One-on-one Video Calls

Connect with me at the beginning, middle, and end of this 6-week fitness program to discuss your concerns, goals, technique, needs, and anything you want to share with me with total confidentiality.


Enjoy a variety of exercises - all with minimal equipment. All you need is dumbbells, a resistance band, your mat, and a chair. Whether you work out at home or the gym, my full body workouts are designed for all levels. Just pick the weight you desire (or no weight at all) and move your body!

Meal Plans

Stop counting calories and weighting your food. Learn how to measure your portions and how to prepare easy and delicious meals to ensure you get all the macronutrients you need to stay healthy and with energy!

For real people!

Dani will help you have sustainable results that will keep you healthy and happy for longer! Don’t go after crazy fitness programs that kill you with crazy challenges! Dani will customize your program to doable and easy-to-follow steps.


A kickboxer by nature!

l am grateful to have completed these 6 incredible weeks. Not only because of the pounds shaved off, but because I have more energy and less anxiety. In addition to this, my pain due to my fibromyalgia has significantly decreased. The meal plan has helped me plan and optimize my time. The workouts are also easy to follow along. I completely recommend this plan.

Eva Rangel

Great app This app is really great, as it has helped me stay motivated in my wellness journey. What I like the most about it is that it’s easy to follow, and makes me feel like I can exercise in a realistic way. Some other fitness apps have very complicated exercises and are not easy to follow but ArepaSports is exactly what I needed, especially if you’re like me, over 40 and wanting to stay in shape. Totally recommend it


Cake Baker

ArepaSports app I love these classes. They are full of energy and good vibes. The instructor also provides nutritional tips and guidance, and she is just lovely and so down to earth. The classes are well designed and easy to follow and more important, you don’t need tones of equipment. I will definitely recommend this app for anyone, men and women of any ages. Check it out. I’m sure you will love it too.


Zumba lover

Loving the app! Love this app!! You can do your own workout in your house without any rush. She teaches you how the exercise is, and it is easy to follow her. The meditation part helps a lot to star or finish your day with positive energy. Thank you arepa sport!


Fall in love with fitness and arepas!

Meet the stronger, happier, and more confident version of yourself!